Welcome to this week’s absolutely live chat! We’ve even got some good news to discuss among the dreary, like a climate bill and encouraging jobs numbers. It’s enough to make you forget the scorching heat.
So, my favorite part of Cafe Nordo’s Down the Rabbit Hole is a happy accident: Last year, the show ran simultaneously with Feast of the Queens upstairs, and during run throughs, we realized our Alice needed more time to venture through the Looking Glass for her final scene down the rabbit hole. I wrote a segment called “Black Hole Karaoke” that ended with our Mad Hatter (Justine Yu-Ping Davis) and March Hare (Jesica Avellone) belting out two killer numbers. Jesica, who ends her run this weekend, consistently brought down the house with her rendition of the Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This).” Annie Lennox would be proud (and I don’t say that lightly).
The live chat starts at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET and 2 p.m. Robyn time (that’s Chicago). As always, don’t forget to flip over to YouTube so you can like, share, subscribe and spread the love.
Jesica Avellone as the March Hare, belting out “Sweet Dreams,” in Cafe Nordo’s “Down The Rabbit Hole”www.youtube.com
Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.
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